A lil bit of us:

We met on a rooftop in Brooklyn, NY! Ida's friend was having a housewarming party so of course, Ida headed there after her flight back from South Carolina. Oddly enough, Aaron lived in that building and once him and his friends saw the "Party on the roof, all welcome" sign, they went ahead and crashed the party LOL. He even took the aux cord!

From there, Ida immediately called "dibs" and asked Aaron to be her lunch date at her new job because little did we know, Aaron worked in the same building so they'd be office buddies. We went on a first date to Kith the next day (Ida was horribly hungover and 2 hours late to their date lol) and we've been together ever since.


We are so excited to have you all join us to celebrate and finally become husband and wife!
If you have any questions at all, please feel free to reach out and we'll do our best to help.

Thanks all and can't wait to see you in LA!
xx Aaron + Ida